The Great re balancing

Posted on: August 3, 2011, 6:54 pm

Lets face it, the whole sceanario is about an engineered Global re balancing, USA , EU and Canada House prices, labor costs are extremly high compared to Asia. Given the governement computer power of the USA and its think-tank capability the G7 knew what was about to happen in 2008. A Nations operating costs have be lined up with that of Asia...( welcome to the Global economy) . if not we sink into a 3rd world status which is what the UK is at the edge of currently.

No one is talking about bringing manufacturing back to the G7 countries"yet"... i wonder that is ?, as we all know everything is now made in China or Asia.. what will it take to do this and why arent we taling about this at this time ?. Maybe the game is not yet fully played out.

